Multi-disciplinary scholarly journal article database including botany, humanities, education, history, social science, political science, social science, music, business, and statistics. Most articles are 5 years old or older. Default search limits to content we own, other items may be available in the library or through Interlibrary Loan.
Single search for African American Music Reference, American Song, Classical Music Library, Classical Music Reference Library, Classical Scores Library: Volumes I, II, and III, Contemporary World Music, Dance in Video: Volumes I and II , Jazz Music Library,
Opera in Video, Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries, The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music Online & Popular Music Library
The Oxford Encyclopedias of the Bible series is a major reference work, consisting of comprehensive essays by scholars from many countries and with a wide variety of perspectives on Biblical Studies. The Digital Collection represents an online expansion of the project, featuring articles previously published on Oxford Biblical Studies Online, now exclusive on Oxford Reference. With bibliographic references and suggestions for further reading, each entry provides a thorough overview of the topic and serves as an entrance point to further research for both seasoned scholars and beginning students.
Oxford Music Online contains all entries and articles in Grove Music Online, Oxford Dictionary of Music, and The Oxford Companion to Music, and is the world’s premier online music encyclopedia, offering comprehensive coverage of music, musicians, music-making, and music scholarship.
Multi-disciplinary dissertation and theses database includes full text of most doctoral dissertations and master's theses from the U.S. and around the world published in recent years and descriptions dating back to 1861.