was built by the Library Innovation Lab at Harvard to stop the problem of "link rot" that occurs when users get the "page not found" or 404 error after clicking on a link. helps to preserve the online sources that are cited and makes those sources accessible to the readers.
To get a account, please contact Syd Stephenson, Electronic Services & Systems Librarian, at [email protected].
Step 1
After the account is requested, the user will receive an email with a link to activate their account. Please check your Barracuda folder for the activation email, and contact Syd Stephenson if you don't receive it within 24 hours.
Step 2
Create folder and subfolders to organize your links. By saving each article's links in separate folders, it will be easier to find them. To create folders, look to the left side of the page after signing in and click on the "+" icon above the list of folders. also allows you to archive PDF documents posted online so that readers may download the documents from the Perma Link, even if the document has been removed from a website. Note: This function also serves as a workaround if there are issues trying to save a website. Just save the webpage as a PDF and follow the instructions below.
Step 1: After logging in, leave the URL empty and click the button "Create Perma Link." You will get an error message in a yellow box. Click the button for "upload your own archive."
Step 2: Complete each field in the Upload Your Own Archive form and save it. For URL enter "" and Perma will add the rest of the link.
Step 3: In a few seconds, you will see your record. You should add the URL of the Perma Link into the citation by placing it in brackets at the end (Bluebook Rule 18.2.1 (d).)
Anyone can have a account, which allows the user to create permanent links (Perma Links) to webpages. Users affiliated with Oklahoma City University School of Law (students, faculty, and staff) can create an unlimited number of links for free. (Some limitations and restrictions apply. See the Terms of Service for more information).
Step 1: Log into your account.
Step 2: Copy the URL you wish to save, paste it into the bar on (at the top of the page after you've signed in), and select the folder where you want to save the link.
Step 3: A few seconds later, you will see your record. You should add the URL of the Perma Link (shown in blue near the top of the screen) into the citation by placing it in brackets at the end, per Bluebook Rule 18.2.1(d). The Perma Link becomes permanent after 24 hours. cannot archive and retain multimedia content, like audio recordings or videos. Still, it can be helpful to create a Perma Link for the URL of the webpage where the item was hosted because that webpage would still contain valuable information such as the title, date, and a description of the content, which a Perma Link would preserve.
The Internet Archive is a non-profit library that provides free storage and access to audio and video files. You may upload audio and video files that you have the right to share. The Internet Archive will provide a link to archived material that can be included in a citation.
For the User Guide, click here.