Most library materials can be found on the 1st and 2nd floors. An item's location is listed in its catalog record.
Here are the most common shelving locations:
The General Collection is shelved in 6 sets of compact shelving on the north side of the 2nd floor. These shelves are set in tracks and can be moved to access the collection.
Before moving the compact shelving, check to be sure that no one is using the open aisle. Also check for stools or kick-steps that are used to reach items shelved on high shelves. Each unit can be locked by pushing in the center knob and unlocked by pulling out the center knob.
If you need assistance moving compact shelving, please visit the circulation desk.
Most library materials are shelved in call number order. The Law Library uses the Library of Congress (LC) Classification system to organize materials by subject. This system is alphanumeric.
The first line of an LC call number always contains one, two, or three letters. Consider the first line first and search the shelf alphabetically:
A | B | BS | H | HN | K | KF |
Next, consider the second line of the call number and search the shelf in strict numeric order:
K |
K 61 |
K 61.5 |
K 64 |
K 649 |
K 649.85 |
The third line is alphanumeric and begins with a decimal point. Items in call number order are shelved alphabetically and then numerically (including the decimal point).
KF 64 .D49 |
KF 64 .D5 |
KF 64 .D51 |
KF 64 .D52 |
KF 64 .D6 |
KF 64 .E2 |
The fourth or fifth lines can be either another alphanumeric line:
KF 64 .D34 C46 |
KF 64 .D34 C464 |
KF 64 .D34 C47 |
Or a publication year:
KF 64 .D34 1999 |
KF 64 .D34 2004 |
KF 34 .D34 2010 |
If you can't locate an item on the shelf, please visit the circulation desk. We will search for the item. If our copy is missing or charged to another patron, law students and faculty may request the item through Interlibrary Loan. Librarians or library staff can help attorneys and alumni find the item in other nearby libraries.