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Remote Teaching / Learning Technologies: Faculty

Tech Resources and Training for Faculty

This guide is a collection of resources to assist faculty with technologies used to facilitate and enhance online instruction.

FlipGrid Resources

Wiki Resources

A collaborative tool that allows students to contribute or create pages of course-related content. For an example of a wiki, please see Cornell's WEX

D2L Wiki Feature

Office Telephone Conference Call Instructions

Resources for Recording Asynchronous Lectures / Screencasts

The following resources may be useful to faculty who want to record lectures or other class content to be viewed (asynchronously) by students. Please note that resources requiring a login through the OCU main campus may not be accessible if main campus is experiencing power outages or other technical issues.

All of these solutions will require you or LTS to upload the file you record to D2L, TWEN, or another platform for students to access. Please contact LTS for assistance. 

Link to download Panopto Recorder (requires login through OCU main campus server)

Guide to using Panopto Recorder

Mac laptops and desktops come with Quicktime Player / Recorder installed. A guide to recording your lecture accompanied by content on your screen using Quicktime is available here.

PowerPoint comes with a built-in recorder that will capture your lecture and the video of PowerPoint slides displayed on your screen.  Click here for a guide to using this feature. 

Windows users running Windows 10 can use the Xbox Game Bar App to record their screen and audio. This App comes pre-installed with Windows 10. See this guide for more information.


Online Teaching Workshop (Summer 2020)

Professor Agnieszka McPeak delivered a workshop on online teaching to the law faculty in June, 2020. OCU faculty and staff may access a recording of the workshop and related materials by logging in here with ocu e-mail login credentials. 


Professor Lynn LoPucki's articleThe PowerPoint Channel, is the first law review article to present a comprehensive theory and style for using PowerPoint to teach law.  

Contact Information

Main Number: 405-208-5271 (this number will be directed to a librarian on call from the hours of 9-6)

Email us:

Timothy Gatton

Susan Urban

Le'Shawn Turner

Syd Stephenson

Lee Peoples