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Vocal Performance : Language: Diction & Translation

Research Guide for Opera and Vocal Performance Students at Oklahoma City University

One of the biggest challenges for classical music singers is singing proficiently and convincingly in multiple languages. This page shares the library's resources for lyric diction, translating, and transcribing.

Diction Books

Exploring Art Song Lyrics

Call Number: Music Ref ML54.6.E97 2011

Drawing generously from four centuries of ariette, Lieder and mélodies, Exploring Art Song Lyrics embraces the finest of the literature and presents the repertoíre with unprecedented clarity and detail.

Singing and Communicating in English

ebook on EBSCOHost

Diction coach Kathyrn LaBouff provides singers with an accessible guide to the principles of English diction they need to communicate the text successfully. Her thorough technique clarifies the physiology of speech, emphasizes the studied practice of careful and articulate pronunciation and focuses on English cadence.

Perfect Italian Diction for Singers

Call Number: MT845.C44 2022 (Music Ed Room)

Cheek and Toccafondi systematically home in on the essential features of the most beautiful Italian, pitfalls of non-native singers, and how to overcome those issues. In addition to delving to the heart of Italian sounds and inflection, they present controversies, misconceptions, and various approaches--often conflicting--that have arisen throughout the last century.

The singer's manual of English diction.

Call Number: MT883.M3 1953

Madeline Marshall's thoroughly detailed manual for English lyric diction.

Singer's Manual of German and French Diction

Call Number: 784.932 C839s

German Vowels -- German Vowels in Review -- German Vowels in Detail -- German Consonants -- Alphabetical Review of German Phonetics -- French Consonants -- Consonants in Detail -- Final Consonants -- Liaison -- French Vowels -- Alphabetical Review of French Phonetics -- Reference List of common German prefixes and prepositions used as prefixes -- Sample transcriptions of German texts -- Exercises in "adjacent" vowel sounds in French -- Sample transcriptions of French texts.

Understanding French Verse

ebook on EBSCOHost:

Aimed at singers and singing teachers interested in the French song repertoire. This work, using examples from well known song settings, sets out the basics of French versification, showing how an understanding of verse techniques can enhance the enjoyment and interpretation of the French melody. It also illustrates how rhyme works.

Scandinavian Song

Call Number: Music Ref MT883.H53 2016

This book provides practical information, enabling teachers and students to render transcriptions of text written in these languages into the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) -- an absolute necessity for any study of repertoire. An extensive survey of available music and sample IRA transcriptions and translations, as well as a companion website with native speakers reciting selected song texts, make this book an invaluable resource for students and professors in college, university, and conservatory voice programs.

A Singer's Manual of Spanish Lyric Diction

Call Number: MT883.C378 1994

Castel, diction coach and tenor at the Metropolitan Opera, shares his knowledge of languages and experience in coaching and teaching (at Juilliard and elsewhere) to help singers master an historically neglected language in classical vocal music.

Singing in Czech

Call Number: Music Ref MT883.C44 2001

A practical and authoritative guide to Czech lyric diction. Includes a thorough systematic walk-through of the phonetics of the language, with IPA, as well as a practical application of the phonetics to Czech repertoire, including IPA transcriptions and English translations.

Singing in Russian

Call Number: MT883.O45 2012

Founded on the underlying principle that sung language differs dramatically from spoken language, Singing in Russian offers a comprehensive and accessible approach to understanding, mastering, and performing Russian vocal music. After covering the basics of the Cyrillic alphabet and Russian grammar and diction, author Emily Olin encourages readers to take the innovative step of using the music itself to guide the singer's pronunciation and interpretation. English sound comparisons, linguistic and musical examples, and multifaceted exercises complement textual explanations, reinforcing the techniques Olin has employed for over three decades.

The singer's Debussy

Call Number: 784.305 D289s

French pronunciation and diction -- Debussy and his time -- Debussy and the poets -- Songs.

In Nico We Trust

In addition to his performance career, operatic tenor Nico Castel was a devoted and celebrated diction and language coach for singers, and his books are an invaluable resource for opera singers.

His books contain full librettos of standard opera repertoire, presented line by line with an English translation of the text directly below, and an International Phonetic Language (IPA) transcription directly beneath. See this sample below:

The LLL has the complete Castel Libretti in its reference section. Find them under the call numbers ML48 and ML49.

The collection includes operas by: Beethoven, Bellini, Bizet, Delibes, Donizetti, Gluck, Gounod, Handel, Mascagni, Massenet, Monteverdi, Mozart, Offenbach, Ponchielli, Puccini, Rossini, Strauss,Tchaikovsky, Verdi, Wagner, and more!

The library also has full libretti of operas in their original language for your study and use. You can browse them by clicking HERE.

Online Resources

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