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Today's Hours:

Computer Help: Computer and Software Locations

Computer Locations

Computer Locations

  • computer lab (115): 18 Windows computers
  • 1st floor- near main desk and outside computer lab: 4 Windows computers
  • 1st floor - east side of column near elevator: 2 iMacs
  • 2nd floor - east side of column near elevator: 1 windows computer
  • 3rd floor - east side of column near elevator: 1 windows computer (for additional computers in rooms, see room reservation information)
  • 4th floor - east side of column near elevator: 1 windows computer (for additional computers in rooms, see room reservation information)
  • 5th floor - west wall: 1 windows computer

Add missing printer

  1. press the windows key and the R key together to start the run command
  2. type the printer path: \\printsrv01\EmployeePrint

Staff will need to add a printer the first time they log on to any specific computer workstation. If they are unable to add the printer, they should create a help ticket to request. The student print option (\\printsrv01\StudentPrint) may work again after the print system is update to single sign on for students.

LockDown Browser

The Respondus LockDown Browser is available on computer in the library computer lab (115).

Navigate to the test in D2L and the LockDown Browser option will open automatically.

Standard Computer Programs

Windows Computer Standard Programs

  • Microsoft Office (help)
  • Adobe Reader
  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Zoom

iMac Standard Programs

  • Microsoft Office (help)
    • Excel
    • Outlook
    • PowerPoint
    • Word
  • iTunes, News & Podcasts
  • Keynote
  • Numbers
  • Pages
  • Adobe Reader
  • GarageBand
  • iMovie
  • Quick Time Player
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