Use the Discovery Search box to the right → to search the library catalog for resources on costuming. You can search by:
See here for more tips on searching the catalog.
For more information about subject headings, see the box below ↓
One of the best ways to find library materials on a topic is to use subject headings. Below are some subject headings to explore the catalog.
Click on the phrase, or copy and paste it into the library search bar after "su:"
Clothing and dress
Costume Design
DESIGN—Textile & Costume
Dressmaking Pattern design
Fashion Design
Fashion design—Handbooks, manuals, etc
Fashion Directories
Fashion History
Fashion Plates
Garment Cutting
Textile Fabrics
Tailoring—Pattern design
For costume design, browse ARTstor by the classification: "Fashion, Costume and Jewelry. "
Or, browse by the following collections in ARTstor: