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Federal Legislative History:

About is a service of the Government Printing Office and offers free online access to official government publications. There are about fifty different collections of federal government information available from all three branches--federal, legislative, and judiciary.

What Can You Find at Contains- Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents (1965-2019), CFR, Bills, Congressional Documents, Congressional Hearings, Congressional Record Daily Edition, Congressional Reports, Federal Register, Committee Prints, Committee Reports, and Legislative Debates.


The e-CFR is an online version of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and other materials. The e-CFR contains material from the CFR and Federal Register amendments. The primary benefit of the e-CFR is that it is regularly updated and will allow quick research into CFR materials that are not yet in print. However, the e-CFR is unofficial. As such, you will have to use the citations of any materials you find in order to reference back to the official versions and cite the material from there. Be sure to check the "Current as of" located on the e-CFR page in order find how up to date the e-CFR is.

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