It is often necessary for an attorney to draft many of the same types of documents and file the same types of forms. By having form books and drafting resources, the attorney is able to quickly and efficiently turn to a resource that has been successful in previous settings and use it for new situations. Likewise, the pro se patron can rely on using a "tried and true" form or drafting resource when representing him or herself.
While form books and drafting resources are immensely helpful to attorneys, law students, and individuals representing themselves pro se, they are a guide only; they should not be used as a substitute for legal analysis. You will need to modify a form to address a particular situation.
Attorneys should always use internal resources first, such as pleading or form banks. Also, keep in mind that even if a form seems official, ALWAYS check with your jurisdiction to make sure that the form you have selected meets all of the requirements of that jurisdiction and that the form is still current.
Tables are volumes that show which form would go with a particular law. The statute is listed and then across from it would be the form that would be used when dealing with that particular statute.
Indexes list out the different subjects included in the volumes and tell the user in which volume and where in that volume to find the form.