If you are not familiar with the topic, you may find that a research guide is a useful tool to assist you with your research
Before relying on any guide, you should review the date the research guide was last updated. Using a research guides updated in the last year will help ensure you are relying on current information. However, if you are conducting historical research, an older guide may be helpful.
Some of the most popular guides include:
1) Georgetown Law Library, U.S. Immigration Law Research, (Aug., 2009).
2) University of Minnesota Law Library, Researching Immigration Law, (2018).
Bender's Immigration Bulletin - Is available via LexisNexis. The daily edition of Bender's Immigration Bulletin is available online at no cost. The feed below is also provided at no cost.
"This periodical provides weekly (48 issues per year) reports on and analysis of up-to-the-minute information covering all aspects of immigration. The analysis unravels the complexities of pressing developments while offering perspective and clarity on the latest trends. It includes reproductions of key documents, many of which will be relied upon for years to come. From new rules to judicial and administrative decisions to the latest immigration bills on Capitol Hill, you'll know exactly what's happening, what's likely to happen, and why. The publication also includes practical tips for handling immigration matters from experts in the field."
Weekly issues are available on Westlaw® in the INTERREL database; articles are posted to INTERREL-DAILY daily, Monday through Friday.
Click here to see a sample.
ImmigrationProf Blog provides the news feed below:
Immigration law changed dramatically after the attacks of September 11th and the subsequent passage of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, which created the Department of Homeland Security. Where this responsibility had previously been that of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) within the Department of Justice, it is now the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which is charged with enforcing this law. Particular divisions of the Department of Homeland Security are responsible for administrative and enforcement functions for immigration.
One division of DHS, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), carries out the administrative functions involved in immigration.
The other two divisions, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), enforce the laws and protect the U.S. borders.
The Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR), a division of the Department of Justice, plays an important role in the administration of immigration law.
The Department of Labor is also involved in immigration issues. The Secretary of Labor is responsible under the Immigration and Nationality Act for administering labor certification and attestation programs which are generally designed to ensure that the admission of foreign workers into the United States on a permanent or temporary basis will not adversely affect the job opportunities, wages, and working conditions of U.S. workers. The Board of Alien Labor Certification Appeals (BALCA) reviews denials of labor certification applications by Department of Labor certifying officers. The Department of Labor is also responsible for coordinating prevailing wage rates with designated state agencies.
A Glossary of Visa Terms is available from FindLaw.
The American Immigration Lawyers Association provides a link to its Recent Postings.
ILW.com's Immigration Daily, is the only daily newspaper on immigration. It is available via a free subscription via the website.