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Reporters: Supreme Court Reporters

West's Supreme Court Reporter

West's Supreme Court Reporter is a commercial reporter that consists of U.S. Supreme Court decisions from the United States Supreme Court from 1882 through the present.  









The Chickasaw Nation Law Library carries the complete set of West's Supreme Court Reporter.  

United States Supreme Court Reports, Lawyers' Edition

The United States Supreme Court Reports, Lawyers' Edition is a commercial reporter published by LexisNexis that covers supreme court cases from 1790 through the present. This series contains Lexis editorial enhancements such as numbered head-notes.


The Chickasaw Nation Law Library no longer updates United States Supreme Court Reports, Lawyers' Edition.

U.S. Reports

United States Reports is the official reporter for U.S. Supreme Court decisions.  The United States Reports were first published in 1883; however, the United States Reports cover 1790-present because it republished the unofficial Supreme Court Reports.  Consult the Nominal Reporter Table below for the nominative reporter names, corresponding nominative citation, corresponding United States Reports citation, and the corresponding dates.  


The Chickasaw Nation Law Library owns the complete set of United States Reports.


The Law Library has microfiche for v.1 (1754) through v.300 (1936). These are kept in the microform cabinets with the call number of  MICROFORMS AA 366.

Nominative Reporters

The first reports containing Supreme Court cases are referred to as "nominative" reporters because they are named for the court reporter who prepared them. There are seven nominative reporters listed in the table below.  When citing Supreme Court cases from 1790-1874 it is appropriate to cite to the individual reporter from whom the case originated. For example, Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137 (1803).   Cranch refers to the nominative reporter put together by William Cranch from 1801-1815.  Consult Bluebook Table 1.1 for correct citation of a nominative reporter. Robert C. Berring & Elizabeth A. Edinger, Finding the Law 51 (12th ed. 2005).


Nominative Reporter Table


Nominative Citation

U.S. Reports Citation


A.J. Dallas

1-4 Dall.

1-4 U.S.

1790 - 1800

William Cranch

1-9 Cranch

5-13 U.S.

1801 - 1815

Henry Wheaton

1-2 Wheat

14-25 U.S.

1816 - 1827

Richard Peters

1-16 Pet.

26-41 U.S.

1828 - 1842

Benjamin C. Howard

1-24 How.

42-65 U.S.

1843 - 1860

J.S. Black

1-2 Black

66-67 U.S.

1861 - 1862

John William Wallace

1-23 Wall.

68-90 U.S.

1863 - 1874

On-line Supreme Court Cases

The SCOTUS logo Website has current slip opinions, docket and calendar information, rules information, and .pdf images of bound volumes from 1991 (volume 502) through 2007 (volume 554).

The Oyez Projectcontains archived copies of many important Supreme Court oral arguments, transcripts, and audio files.

 contains PDF scans of all of the U.S. Reports in their Supreme Court Library.   






All U.S. Supreme Court Cases published beginning in 1790.

Google Scholar

GoogleScholar now provides access to cases reported in the Federal Reporter and Supplement. Enter your search terms or case citation in the Google Scholar Search Box below.

Google Scholar Search