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Children's Literature: Home

A guide to resources on children's literature available through the library and beyond.

Finding Children's Literature

The Children’s Literature Collection on the 5th floor of the library includes books written for children and young adults. You can use the search box below to locate items in that collection by entering an author, title, or keywords and clicking the Search button.

For more children’s books, search Libraries Worldwide (instead of just the Dulaney-Browne Library) and use the Advanced search screen to limit the Audience to "Juvenile". These books are usually available through Interlibrary Loan and may also be available from the Metropolitan Library System of Oklahoma County or at local bookstores.

Browse the Shelves

The Children's Literature Collection on the 5th floor is arranged by author (for fiction) and by Dewey Decimal call number (for nonfiction).

Award winning books are identified by colored labels:
green: Newbery Award winners
yellow: Caldecott Award Winners
blue: Sequoyah Award winners

Children's Book Collections Online

The library provides access to some nonfiction children's books online through three EBSCO databases, divided by age:

Librarian for Education

Profile Photo
Robert Dorman
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Make an Appointment
Fall Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, and Friday, 9:30am-12:00pm; and by appointment
Library, Rm. 106D
(405) 208-5162
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