The LLL has 4 main categories of materials in its collection, all organized by Library of Congress (LoC) Classification.
see below for a breakdown of each category of call number, and lists of call numbers to browse for your instrument.
The M-Class is the largest section of the LLL's collection, as it designates music scores. All printed music scores, whether for study or performance, have a call number that begins with the letter M. Every item on the tall shelves in the music library has a Class M call number.
Scroll down to see a breakdown of an LoC call number. ↓
ML stands for Music Literature, which means any book that is about music, but is not explicitly printed music or pedagogical. ML includes research books, biographies, histories, even libretti of operas and musicals. The music literature in the LLL is limited to the Reference Collection (located right inside the front entrance), and selected materials in the Music Education Resource Room.
The majority of the library's music literature is housed at the main campus library, Dulaney-Browne. DBL organizes its books using the Dewey Decimal System, so to find the music section there, go to the 3rd floor, and look for numbers 780 - 792.
MT is for music education materials. (Think: "Music Teaching"). MT-Class is for books on pedagogy, music textbooks, teaching guides, and method books. This includes the Piano Pedagogy Collection: an entire section of method books for every level of piano student.
Most MT materials are shelved in the Music Education Resource Room. The Piano Pedagogy Collection is shelved in the book stacks on the west side of the library.
Sound recordings--CDs and LPs-- don't have call numbers like the rest of the library does. Instead, they are given a specific Accession Number, meaning all our sound recordings have their own number assigned in the order that the library acquired it.
Our recording collection is not browsable. Instead, search the catalog, find the number of the sound recording(s) you wish to check out, and give the number(s) to LLL staff so they can retrieve them from our media storage behind the front desk.
The image shows a basic breakdown of what information is contained in an LoC call number
The first letter tells us what type of material this is. M=music score
The next number tells us what kind of score. 1500s are for full orchestral scores of stage works. See the other tabs for more categories
The next set of letters and numbers tell us about the composer of the music. The V is the first letter of the composer's last name, and the following numbers signify the next few letters of the composer's last name.
The next set follows the same system, but for the title. T is the first letter of the first word of the title, and the numbers after signify the letters after "T."
Finally, the last number tells us the publication date.
6 - 100 | Solo Instruments |
200 | Duets |
300 | Trios |
400 | Quartets |
500 | Quintets |
600 | Sextets |
700 | Septets |
800 | Octets |
900 | Nonnets |
1000 | Orchestra |
1500 | Full Scores |
1503 | Piano/Vocal reductions |
1507 | Anthologies |
1508 | Vocal Selections |
1619 | Art Song Collections |
1620 | Art Song Cycles |
1630 | Popular Music |
2000 | Choral Music |