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Today's Music Library Hours:

Music Listening Library: How to Find a Song

How to find a song by searching the library catalog


  • In the "Search WorldCat Discovery" bar, type in the song title and hit Enter, or click Search
  • To see results for scores only, select the "Musical Score" option under "Format" in the list of filtering options
  • Scroll through the results to find the best option for you, and click on the title to view the catalog record of the score.
    • (For individual MT songs, The Singer's Musical Theatre Anthology is the best place to start while looking for repertoire.)
    • You may see the song title highlighted in the preview of the record.
  • Song collections and anthologies can have several volumes of several different songs. To find the right one you need, look through the contents on the catalog record. The song you searched for will be highlighted
    • (in case the song title is not highlighted, use the Crtl + F function to find the song title on the webpage)
  • Scroll down on the catalog record to find the Location and Call Number information of the score
    • All musical scores are located in the Leichter Listening Library, on the 3rd floor of the Bass School of Music
    • The call number will tell you the exact spot on the shelf to find the score. Just write it down and follow the signs on the shelves!

Tips & Tricks

For non-English titles, like for art songs and arias, double-check that the spelling is correct by using Google or another search engine. Misspellings can give you false search results in the catalog.

Put quotation marks "" around the title for more accurate results.

To narrow down search results, add the Boolean connector AND plus the composer's name.
ex. "Later" AND Sondheim

If the catalog says an item is "Not Available," that means it is either checked out or missing. Check with the M&PA Librarian about placing a hold so you'll be notified when the item comes back in.

No luck?

What if you still can't find what you are looking for? Here are some options:

Ask us! Staff at the front desk and the librarian in her office are here to help out. If you get stuck, you can always come to us!

If the library does not own the music you are looking for, the library might be able to buy it.
Send your request to the M&PA librarian via email or chat, or bring it to her in person. 

You may also be able to borrow the music you need from another library, using Interlibrary Loan. This service is free to use for all students!
check here for more information about requesting items via ILL. 

Music and Performing Arts Librarian

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Elizabeth Wasson
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