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Faculty Services: Collection Building and Book Budgets


The Dulaney-Browne Library seeks input from faculty to build a collection that supports the curriculum and, to the extent possible, the research needs of graduate students and faculty.


"Monographs" is the term the library uses to describe books, scores, DVDs, CDs, and similar materials that are purchased once and become permanent parts of the library's collection.

  • The library's monographs budget is divided based on the size of the programs being supported, the relative importance of monographs to the discipline, and the historic use of library monographs and the monographs budget in that area. This includes electronic books that are purchased with perpetual access.
  • Faculty have the opportunity to submit request for additions to the library collection based on those budgets with two annual deadlines:
    • early December (fall budget)
    • early March (spring budget)
  • Allocated budget that is not spent by the fall deadline is re-allocated for the spring budgets based in part on fall orders. More fall orders generally means more spring budget.
  • To request items for the library collection, contact your subject librarian.



"Databases" are licensed annually and provide access to packages of content including journal articles, electronic books, streaming video, streaming audio, and reference collections. Prices typically rise by about 5% per year and access ends when the license is not renewed.

  • The library's database collection includes databases supplied by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries, the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, the Chickasaw Nation Law Library, the Meinders School of Business, and the Dulaney-Browne Library.
  • Visit the Database List and filter by subject or type to find available options.
  • Decisions about adding new databases or discontinuing current database subscriptions are based on
    • support for the curriculum,
    • budget availability,
    • price, and
    • usage.
  • To request new databases, contact the library director.


"Periodicals" is the term the library uses for individual journal and magazine subscriptions. Most of these subscriptions are for online content that is not available through database subscriptions. Prices typically rise by about 10% per year and in some cases the library's access ends when a subscription is not renewed.

  • Decisions about adding or discontinuing current periodical subscriptions are based on
    • support for the curriculum,
    • budget availability,
    • availability of indexing, and
    • interlibrary loan request statistics.
  • To request new databases, contact the library director.

Collection Development Policy

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