Call #: KF245 .U55 - Available in multiple locations throughout the library. If you need help locating a Bluebook just ask a librarian or a reference assistant.
Call #: KF245 .M38 2009 - Available in the library.
Call #: KF245 .D85 2010 - Located in the library.
Call #: KF245 .B68 2011 - Available in the library.
Lexis Plus offers twenty-two online Bluebook exercises for students to work through in its Interactive CItation Workstation (ICW). To get to these exercises, follow these steps:
1) Log in to Lexis Plus.
2) Click on the red "Research" tab at the left-hand top of the home screen.
3) Click on Interactive CItation Workstation.
4) Click on the "Bluebook" tab at the top of the screen.
5) Select an exercise to complete.
6) You will need to provide an e-mail address in the field labeled "Primary Professor's E-mail" before you can access the exercises. You may enter your own e-mail address in this field.
A few notes:
Call #: KF245 .B37 2010 - Available in the library.
Call #: KF245 .T47 2008 - Available in multiple locations within the library.