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Health Law: Introduction


Health Law covers a wide variety of legal issues. Among them are food and drug laws, hospital regulatory laws, liability of medical care providers, health care policy, and health insurance and anti-fraud. Due to the complex nature of the law you may find it helpful to begin with a secondary source.

This guide will give you a brief overview of the law in this area and outline the print and electronic resources available at the Chickasaw Nation Law Library. The guide will also mention freely available electronic resources but is not all-inclusive and not meant as legal advice.

Health Law Research

The Resources you will use depend on the facts presented. First, you will need to determine if the particular issue a federal or state issue. Once you have identified the correct jurisdiction, you will need to look for the appropriate laws. You may need to examine statutes, administrative regulations, case law, or other directives. Depending on your issue, you may also need to consult legislative history. Always remember to check the coverage of an research source you use.

Defining Health Law

Health Law can be defined as statutes, regulations, case law, and other directives related to federal or state regulations of health care facilities, eligibility for federal entitlement programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, a health care provider's liability, or bioethics. Primary sources for health law research include statutes, regulations, and case law.

Research Guides

Research Guides are useful tools to assist you with your research if you are unfamiliar with the topic. We hope that you will find this guide helpful.

You should review the date the research guide was last updated. Using a research guides updated in the last year will help ensure you are relying on current information. However, if you are conducting historical research, an older guide may be helpful.

Some of the most popular guides include:

Cornell University Law Library Legal Information Institute: Health Law

Georgetown Law Library: Health Law Guide

Loyola University - Chicago: Researching Health Law and Policy