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Health Law: Secondary Sources

Study Aids

Study Aids are a great way to review relevant issues of law while being provided with example answers. A complete set of study aids can be found in the Reference Area or by using the library catalog.

Journals/Law Reviews

Journals and law reviews are helpful because the author usually does extensive research and the articles contain citations to other secondary and primary sources. See the box below for information on finding these journals.

1. Yale Journal of Health, Policy, Law and Ethics — Yale Law School. These journals contain subjects on medical policy, ethics, laws and legislation. This journal is available electronically.

2. The Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy — Columbus School of Law. These journals contain subjects on medical laws and legislation. This journal is available electronically.

3. DePaul Journal of Health Care Law — DePaul University, Health Law Institute. This journals contain subjects on medical laws and legislation. This journal is available electronically.

4. Journal of Health Law — American Health Lawyers Association. These journals contain subjects on medical laws and legislation, and hospital laws and legislation. The Law Library owns v. 32 (1999)- v. 40 (2007) in the General Collection.

5. Journal of Health Care Law and Policy — University of Maryland at Baltimore, School of Law. This journal contain subjects on medical laws and legislation, medical care, and medical policy. This journal is available electronically.

Treatises and Casebooks

Treatises are written for practitioners and present background information about specific topics. Hornbooks are often used by students to help with the basic skills needed for the subject.

Each are great and easy ways to start your research on health law. Here are a number of materials that can be found at the Chickasaw Nation Law Library:

Subject Guide

Chickasaw Nation Law Library Catalog


United States National Library of Medicine

PubMed comprises more than 21 million citations for biomedical literature from Medline, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.

PubMed is part of the National Center for Biotechnology Information. The National Library of Medicine has created a tutorial for using PubMed.

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