This research guide will provide Nonprofit Leadership students with ways to access peer-reviewed articles and books as well as reputable, authoritative websites in the nonprofit world. Please see the adjacent tabs for those resources to find more links and information. You can also start searching on your own in WorldCat Discovery (see below).
Note: Dulaney-Browne Library provides access to Candid's Foundation Center, including Foundation Directory Online Professional, the leading database on grantmakers and recipients across the United States. If you ever need to use it, please remember that access to FDO is available only on the library's own computers, not remotely. For more information see the Foundation Directory Research Guide.
Try Candid's Philanthropy Classification System to find authoritative definitions of all areas of nonprofit and philanthropic activity. These definitions could help you while searching FDO Professional or could be used in papers and presentations.
A good online alternative or supplement to FDO Professional is ProPublica's Nonprofit Explorer, which makes available financial and IRS information including 990 forms for most U.S. nonprofit organizations.
*Contact Robert Dorman, librarian for Nonprofit Leadership, if you need help finding or accessing articles and other sources for your assignments.
Please remember always to cite the source where you obtained your information, according to the rules in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. For quick help, see the online guide offered by Purdue University as well as the APA's own tutorial.
The print version is available in the reference section (1st floor) and on permanent reserve (ask at front desk).