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Library Staff Resources: Procedures

WMS Circ Basics

Always log in to WMS using your own username and password. Make sure your branch is set correctly to the Dulaney-Browne Library or Leichter Listening Library and go to the Circulation tab.

Rule of thumb: check in everything! If you’re not sure what to do with an item, check it in and see what the system says. If you’re confused or see something unexpected, ask a staff member for help.

  • Check In Mode: Auto
  • Scan each item barcode, resensitize, place on reshelving shelf
  • Hold Receipts should be printed, put in item, item goes on hold shelf
  • Routing slips don’t need to be printed, but put item on shelf to go to DBL or LLL
  • Staff members can take fine payments of $5.00 or more (cash or check only) - LLL patrons will need to visit the main library to pay fines.
  • Watch for pop-ups: item contains xx pieces (music folder counts as a piece)
  • Swipe patron ID card
  • Scan each item barcode, desensitize
  • Tell patron the due date (they also get email)
  • Click X Close All Tabs to close patron record
  • Swipe patron ID card (or look up patron for phone calls/emails)
  • Select the box for each item being renewed
  • Click Renew at bottom of list
    • do not renew if their is a hold on the item
    • do not renew if the patron account is expired
    • do not renew items that have already been renewed 4 times (except in exceptional circumstances)
    • DO renew items that are overdue or long overdue
  • Tell patron the new due date
  • Run at 8 am, 11 am, 2 pm, 5 pm, 8 pm, and 10 pm (9, noon & 4 at LLL)
  • Sort list by call number and print
  • Pull items, matching barcodes
  • Check in each item and print hold slips
  • Place on hold shelf
  • Mark any items not found as "Missing", give form and pull list to staff member on duty
  • Check in (again!) all items to be reshelved
    • use Automatic check in mode
  • Arrange by location and call number on the cart
  • Return to the correct shelf location
  • Check In Mode: Non Loan Return
  • Scan each item barcode and place on reshelving shelf
  • See above under Check In for what to do with popups

Holds  prevent others from checking out or renewing items needed by a patron and begin the process of staff pulling items from the shelves for the requesting patron. Patrons can place holds from Discovery, or staff can place them for patrons from the patron's record screen or a search result.. Patrons receive an email when items are ready and they can be found on the "Interlibrary Loan / Circulation Hold Shelf" and are then checked out normally.


Placing Holds:

  • from "Assist Patrons"
    • Holds tab
    • Create hold
    • Search for and select title
    • Save Changes
  • from "Discover Items"
    • search for and select the title
    • "Holds" tab
    • "Create: Hold Request"
    • Search for and select the patron
    • Save changes

For more detailed instructions, see Circulation Procedures

Interlibrary  loan items are shelved by patron last name on the "Interlibrary Loan / Circulation Hold Shelf". Patrons should receive an email when they are ready.

  • Checking out ILL items
    • Use the barcode printed at the top of the band on the cover to check out to the patron.
    • Update the due date to match the due date on the band.
    • Remind the patron that there is a 50 cent per day fine for late ILL items.
  • Checking in ILL items
    • Use the barcode printed at the top of the band to check in the item.
    • Do not print the routing slip.
    • Place the item on the "Returned ILL, "MB" mailbacks" shelf.
    • ILL staff will then send them back to the library that owns them.

All cash and checks coming in to the library (except donations) are entered in WMS.

  • Fines
    • Go to the Patron's record & "Bills"
    • Select the fine(s) to
      • Collect
        • Choose "Pay"
        • enter amount tendered and any notes
      • Waive
        • Choose "Waive"
        • enter amount to waive
        • note is required, for example "food for fines" or "returned but not checked in"
      • Refund
        • check to see that there is enough cash in the drawer for a refund. If not, check with the director before proceeding
        • Choose "Refund"
        • enter the amount to refund
        • pay the amount from the cash drawer or as directed
    • choose receipt to Email
    • Resolve
  • Book Sale, Copies/Printing, Stamps, and more
    • Go to the patron record, or Money Drawer (B12345678) record & "Bills"
    • Choose "Create Bill"
    • Choose Bill Reason, enter amount and any notes
    • "Create Bill"
    • Return to patron screen, and proceed as for a fine.
  • Lost Books
    • double check that the book is lost - we may not be able to refund if the book is later found
    • collect payment as for a fine
    • change status of book(s) to "claims lost"
      • cancel duplicate fees and add the note "duplicate"
      • a full time staff member should email [email protected] if a library hold needs to be removed

Place the money in the cash drawer and make change as needed.

For more detailed instructions, see Circulation Procedures

Room Reservations and Keys

  • make room reservation from public LibCal site or the staff LibCal site (it doesn't matter)
    • if you ask the student to scan their card first, you can copy and paste the name & email address
  • ask if they want 2 or 4 hours and adjust the end time
  • check out in WMS
  • change due date to match reservation end time
  • remind student of due time and fines
  • mark reservation as "showed up" in LibCal staff side
  • check LibCal staff side to make sure that the room is available
    • click on reservation
    • scroll down and click on the time
    • edit the end time to the requested extension (up to 4 hours)
  • move to WMS
    • search for the patron
    • staff can then edit the due date time, students need a staff override to change the due time.
    • if that doesn't work, copy room key barcode & note student name (should also be on reservation))
    • check in room key
    • check out room key and edit due time to the new due time

Overdue Items and Fines

WMS automatically assigns overdue fines (and forgives replacement costs).

  • 50 cent daily fines: interlibrary loan, recalled items, netbooks, daily reserve items
  • 1 cent per minute fines: room keys, cables, headphones, markers, and hourly reserve items
  • $15.00 processing fee: items overdue more than 90 days*
  • replacement cost: items overdue more than 90 day (WMS removes when item is checked in)

*Circulation Staff should waive processing fees for faculty and staff only after items are returned. Students and courtesy card holders owe the processing fee, which is less than 17 cents per day, even after items are returned.

WMS prevents checkout when items are overdue or when total fines reach $5.00, to allow patrons to check out new items...

  • Circulation staff can renew items that are less than 90 days overdue, except netbooks and items on hold for another patron.
    • patrons may request renewal in person or via telephone, chat or email
  • Circulation staff can accept payment in cash or by check (see WMS Circ Basics:Money)

Access Services Manager runs a report and forgive total fines of $4.99 or less at the end of each semester.

Circulation Technician runs report and places Library Holds on Student Accounts when items are more than 90 days overdue. This hold should be removed when all of the overdue items are returned. Email [email protected] to remove the hold and update the student's WMS patron record. (Circulation Technician also runs the Student Account Hold Removal Check List report to catch items with student account holds not caught at check-in.)

For special circumstances and fine forgiveness, using the missing book search (items still on account) or account dispute forms below.

Missing, Claims Returned, etc.

  • Available Item not on shelf? 
    • Complete a hold for the patron if desired
    • Mark "missing" in WMS
  • Item checked out and patron claims returned?
    • have patron complete the missing book search form or email the director
      • director may mark as claims returned
  • Item checked out and patron claims they never had it?
    • have patron complete the missing book search form or email the director
      • director may mark as claims never had
  • Patron lost book, wants to pay
    • change status to claims lost and accept payment

SharePoint links

Library Procedures and Circulation Procedures are currently included in Word documents in the DulaneyBrowne Library Staff SharePoint site. OCU login may be required to access files.

also need -

adding courtesy card patrons


We accept gift books with the understanding that we add items to the collection based on our needs and sell or donate those that do not meet our collection criteria.

  • Books may be dropped off at the front desk.
  • Please ask the donor to complete the gift record form.
  • For large donations, offer the dolly or the plastic carts (and staff if available) to help move boxes into the library.
  • Keep the gift record from with the donation. If no form, add a note with all the information you have.
  • Boxes can be stacked at the circulation desk or near the mail room.
  • Notify the director about the donation (email preferred) immediately so that review can begin.

Opening & Closing Checklists

  • general procedures
    • log in to computer & WMS
    • open safe, count money, place in locked drawer, bags & keys in 2nd drawer on right
    • put yesterday's completed checklists & counts in box on staff desk
    • run pull list in WMS (reports - pull list)
    • turn on announcements TV monitor (remote in 1st drawer on left)
    • check book drop, check in books
  • at opening
    • turn on lights (switches in hallway)
    • set door to "auto" (control to left of doors)
    • note opening count (right end of counter)
  • 30 minutes after opening
    • note half-hour count


  • general procedures
    • count money, note count, and return bags to safe
    • log off computers
    • verify that all patrons have exited the building
  • 1 hour before closing
    • note 1 hour counts (on right end of circ counter)
  • 30 minutes before closing
    • make 1st closing announcement (use from stand by microphone)
    • call 405-208-5001 for a safety escort (after dark)
  • 15 minutes before closing
    • make 2nd closing announcement
    • note 15 minute counts
  • at closing
    • make final closing announcement
    • turn off lights (in hallway)
    • turn off announcements TV monitor
    • set door to closed (control to left of doors)


  • general procedures
    • log in to computer & WMS
    • run pull list in WMS (reports - pull list)
    • check that the emergency exit door is fully closed and locked
  • at opening
    • turn on lights (6 switches)
    • pull both doors to in and open
    • note opening count (right of the computer)
  • 30 minutes after opening
    • note half-hour count
  • general procedures
    • clock out 
    • log off computer
    • verify that all patrons have exited the library
  • ​​​​​​​1 hour before closing
    • note 1 hour counts (on right end of circ counter)
  • 15 minutes before closing
    • note 15 minute counts
  • at closing
    • turn off lights (6 switches)
    • check that the emergency exit door is fully closed and locked
    • exit and close both doors, then check that both remain locked

WMS Circulation Advanced Features

  • Pull items from the hold shelf weekly
  • Check in all library holds that have passed "Expires" date on "auto"
  • Follow on screen prompts to reshelve or prepare for another patron.
  • Pull book sale (unpaid) items after 1 week and return to book sale
  • For other items older than one week, ask the library director

NOTE: You only need to use the "Delete Hold" option if the hold has not yet expired. You can also delete a hold from the "Holds" tab of the patron record.

Used mostly for new courtesy card holders. We sometimes also add SPST students or adjuncts that were missed in the auto-uploads, but only after verification

  • search for patron by name and Bnumber
  • if not found, click on "Create New Patron"
  • required fields:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Expiration Date
    • Address
    • Telephone Number
    • Email Address
    • Barcode (for faculty, it is VITAL that this number match their Bnumber)
    • Patron Type
    • Home Branch (Dulaney-Browne Library except for music faculty & students)
    • save
  • look up patron and add Custom Data 1 and Custom Data 2
    • Custom Data 1 for courtesy cards
      • Alumni, Methodist Clergy, Trustee, OK-Share, Other
        • for recent Alumni, move the major to Custom Data 2: for example Bachelor of Fine Arts - Acting
    • Custom Data 2 for courtesy cards
      • OK-Share: full name of their home institution
      • Alumni: (if recent, degree (old custom data 1) and major (old custom data 2) for example Bachelor of Fine Arts - Acting
      • Methodist Clergy, Trustee: none
      • Other:
        • Proxy: Proxy
        • Local Residents: Paid
        • Media only: Media
        • Other: reason or category, for example Retired Staff, Donor
  • blank courtesy cards (with the associated barcode numbers) are located in the folder with the completed application forms


Who checked this out last?

  • Item Details > Statistics

Who is the key/tablet checked out to?

  • Discover items
  • Data Type: Temporary Items
  • search for room number or tablet

What emails have been sent to the patron (check-in receipts, date due notices, overdue notices...)

  • patron record > history tab

What staff member entered the transactions for this item?

  • Ask the Access Services Manager or Director to review the Circulation Events Detail Report for the day the transaction occurred.

OCU students, faculty, and staff may designate someone else to check out materials in their name. They should

  • complete the Proxy Patron Authorization Form below
  • give the form to the Access Services Manager or Library DIrector to create the proxy patron process (allow 2 working days to complete)

from patron profile

  • edit Basic User Data
  • under "Delivery Notification" add patron's phone number and MMS gateway as an email address



Retired or Emeritus faculty continue to have all library privileges after if they provide the library with current contact information.

  • Expiration date should be 1 year from the last time their contact information was reviewed & updated in WMS.
  • Faculty who retired after 2020 normally have a popup note indicating their retirement date.
    • Change the note to not popup (delete !)
    • Add a patron note "retired/emeritus faculty contact updated [date]
  •  Faculty who retired before 2020, they will  need to be added to WMS.
    • If they do not have a Bnumber, use a free courtesy card to give them a barcode.
  • Retired staff are eligible for courtesy cards. Use "Other" as the category

Sometimes you need to change the Data Type to search by the information available to you

  • Bibliographic Records:
    • search: titles, authors, keywords, OCLC number, ISBN
    • choose: My Library or All WorldCat
  • Local Holdings Records:
    • choose: My LHRs
      • search barcode, call number, item notes
    • choose: Call Number Browse
      • browse Dewey, LC or other call number
  • Temporary Items:
    • search room keys, tablets, equipment, faculty owned reserves, etc.

Frequently Used Procedures

over time, I would like to add frequently used and recently updated procedures directly to LibGuides

Facilities Emergencies - SchoolDude Work Orders

Flowing water? No power? No heat/AC? No elevator?

Call Facilities:

day: 405-208-5382

evening: 405-208-5383

Follow up an emergency call to facilities with a work order.

  • first time request?
    • register using account number 746615915
  • all requests require:
    • location: Dulaney-Browne Library Zone B
    • area/room number
    • problem type: (elevators, plumbing...)
    • description
    • purpose: (usually General Maintenance)
    • submittal password: gostars

For non-emergency requests, ask Ryan Walker or Victoria Swinney to submit the request to avoid duplicate requests.

Newspaper Indexing

If a student needs to work on them, their supervisor will need to send them an edit link to the Digital Projects folder.

If you don't have one, create a folder with your name (for example, Victoria's folder).

Save a copy of 0-template Index to copy to your folder.

Choose a newspaper to index from the Unclaimed newspapers to index folder and move it to your folder.

Open the "READ ME" tab in the index template. Follow the instructions for indexing found there.

Additional instructions can be found in the Digital Projects folder.

Select data and run spell check after indexing each issue.

Contact Christina Wolf if you have additional questions.


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