General Resources (sample only - please search the Law Library catalog for additional resources)
The Oklahoma Practice Series:
Clark, David Scott, Oklahoma Civil Pretrial Procedure: Jurisdiction, Service of process, Venue (St. Paul: West Publishing, 1995).
Ellis, Harvey D. Jr. and Clyde A. Muchmore, Oklahoma Appellate Practice (St. Paul: West Publishing, 2002).
Subject Area Resources (sample only - please search the Law Library catalog for a specific topic)
Harrell, Alvin C., The Law of Personal Property Secured Transactions Under the Uniform Commercial Code and Related Laws: An Analysis of Oklahoma's Version of UCC Article 9 and Related Statutes and Regulations, With a Discussion of Operations and Practices Involved in Secured Lending (Oklahoma City: Oklahoma Bankers Association, 2001).
Huff, Robert R. & Taylor, Varley H., Oklahoma Probate Handbook (St. Paul: West, 1995-).
Spector, Robert G., Oklahoma Family Law: The Handbook (Dallas: Imprimatur Press, 2008-).
State of Oklahoma Workers' Compensation Court Handbook (Oklahoma City: Workers' Compensation Court, 1999).
Practitioners' Guide to the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit (Denver: Office of the Clerk, United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, 1997): includes the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, Tenth Circuit Rules, and a sample brief.
Forms for the 10th Circuit are located here.
Free Resources
Oklahoma State Courts Network (OSCN): has a comprehensive website containing Oklahoma legal forms
Oklahoma Bar Association (OBA): periodically publishes an OBA/CLE Form Book covering various practice areas. Copies are available in the Law Library in print and on certain public access computers. (Electronic Form Books may also be purchased from the OBA.)
Vernon's Oklahoma Forms: the standard for Oklahoma-specific forms for transactional law (e.g. contracts). There are tables and indexes located within many of the individual volumes that can can help with locating a specific form. These forms are also available on certain public access computers in the Law Library, as well as through Westlaw.
Law Library: Oklahoma-specific forms are available for different practice areas, including real estate, probate and estate planning, family law, et al. Please search the Law Library catalog for a specific topic, or ask a Reference Librarian for assistance.