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Practice Resources: Oklahoma Court Rules

Points to Remember

In Oklahoma, there are several types of court rules.  The primary rules are the codes of civil and criminal procedure found at Titles 12 and 22 of the Oklahoma Statutes, respectively.  Additionally, there are rules for the Supreme Court, District Courts, local court rules adopted by various judicial districts, and a variety of other specialized rulesOSCN contains the codes of civil and criminal procedure, Rules for the District Courts, Local District Court Rules, Supreme Court Rules, and a variety of other rules.

Updating Oklahoma Court Rules

Learn of changes to court rules by monitoring the Oklahoma Bar Journal.  Update rules by running the rules through Shepard's or KeyCite electronic services.


Oklahoma Court Rules and Procedures, State (St. Paul: West, 2002).  Call # KFO 1729 .A252.

Cantrell, Charles L., Oklahoma Criminal Law: Statutes and Rules Annotated (Dallas: Imprimatur Press, 2002).  Call # KFO 1761 .A5.

Oklahoma Court Rules are also available on LexisNexis and Westlaw within the Oklahoma databases.